Monday, August 20, 2012

Bitch Slap

Bitch Slap is a throw back to Russ Meyer films. One of those explotation films that has hot girls, guns, and  cars that has not 1..not 2 but 3 actors from Hercules Ledgenary Journey. So you know its great. It has plenty of action,  All ending with a huge catfight that reach not only hot...but at a THEY LIVE "(the Street Scene) level hillarious length. Where even my boner started looking its watch half way through saying "Come on hurry this shit up...we got smurf porn pictures to look at". Not you may ask what about the plot. Meh.  It about 3 women of questionable backgrounds, One spy, one convict, and one dancer out in a desert. They are trying to break into this secret stash house of this super powerfull crime lord.  It has flashbacks going back and fourth. Now lets get this out of the way, the plot is dumb. Very…very dumb. But its fun. The actors all have fun, and they play it at a nice over the top way that really sales the feel of the movie. It nicely shot and the 3 girls interact with each very well.  The dancer character a bit of a weak link though, but that cause she not given as much cool lines as the other two women. The actress who plays the fugitive sales the bad girl thing well and actually seem like she could kick your ass.  Now if exploration but it not full out. It sadly no actual nudity, and the violence cartoony , with people getting shot but no blood. The last fight pretty damm brutal though.  Kind of wish they really went all out because this not a family film either way.  Then again Faster Pussy Cat Kill Kill didn’t have any of that stuff either. And this more in the vain of that so I can let it slide

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