Sunday, March 17, 2013

Death Race Inferono

This is a new brand new entry on the Death Race Prequel movies. This follows the original Frankenstein  as he finishing up his last couples of races. It this one a new bad guy, takes over the Death Race, and makes it INTERNATIONAL. The race is now taken to 3rd world area. Which translate to people driving around the desert for 2 hours? Seem the budget takes a hit every movie but it some imaginative kills with a nice over the top bad guy. He chews the scenery at pac man like proportions.  Frankenstein’s (always 1-2 races from escaping) has a run in with the new owner who wants to keep him there for good, or kill him. He also adds changes to the death race, like a collar the sends a missile after you if you try to escape and having the battles in open areas. Some of the death scenes pretty good, and it has a nice multiple cat fight scene in the middle. Not that I go for just tawdry affair. Me I am enlighten...I just pointing it out for the savages out there. It not like I pause, then rewind the scene 11 times. I am above such things. Although the babes aren’t THAT babelicious as past movies and there seem to be a lack of chemistry between the female and male leads.  Also it is hardly any nudity. If you’re going to do exploitation don’t pussyfoot around. There is missile chase scene that is pretty good. But the blood is tone down and some of the areas uninspired. It runs across the same desert multiple times and not as many memorable character to go up against. It seems more like a made for TV sci-fi movie. A lot of that has to do with budget though, but maybe they shouldn’t have aimed for an international story then. That said one scene uses the area pretty well that gets the bystanders and fans in on the action. And it is a key part of the plan. The main bad guy while fun doesn’t have the punch as the villains from the past movie.  Although the ending is pretty cool, and ties into the first movie well. It might be a good idea for future movies. All and All B-