Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vanishing on 7th street

Vanishing on 7th Street

Detroit is full of trouble. Night is getting longer, lasting for days at a time. Worst let there something in the darkness…something something sinister...something evil…something NOT OF THIS WORLD…DUH DUH. Basically the monster of this film is darkness. It your engulf in darkness without any light you get taken away. They never explain where, but you don’t come by and they apply it isn’t good. It only keeps your clothes there.  Any types of lights put it away, but electricity doesn’t seem to be working as well and batteries don’t seem to last long. Cars and vehicles seem to stop. Also the darkness can trick you creating false light, illusions, and the voices of love ones to trick you... The movies show a small group of survivors living in this world and trying to get out of Detroit.
Here one problem I had with this movie of the bat.  If regular light bulb don’t work that well, and flashlight go out (apparently they little their batteries from the Dollar Tree) what would you do. Think about it what would you do. Regular electricity doesn’t work well, so what are your options. If you say create a bonfire or torch congratulations you’re not a moron. Not saying goes around light everything on fire. That will kill you due to Detroit house being build out of wood and neglect.  But fire in say a garbage can could save your butt. One time they do they try to make a torch. It works, dude drops it of course.

Ok that aside it has some good moments. I am sucker for a small group of people trapped somewhere, and force to deal with a danger. The character seems like regular guys, and does a good job of letting you figure out the situation with them. The theory the audience may be thinking is what they discuss. Sometimes the conflicts seem forces, because if they won’t together to well it wouldn’t be as much danger. That said most the acting was good. You feel for MOST of the character even in their whiny moments. They did this by introducing them when they were separated, during the first days of the monsters attacking. You see the confusion of thing just happening. Then they jump ahead where they all meet at the bar and kind of know the rules. A lot of their plans seem reasonable for a group of people that have only bad options to choose from. When they fight it kind of make sense cause it during the time they first meeting, and their limited light to spare.
One character that annoyed me was the little kid. Don’t want to give things away, but lot of the bad stuff that happening his fault. He basically the F up of the group. Otherwise messed up because they were tricked, wasn’t fast enough or had to save this kid. Seriously never wanted to punch a 12 year old before. I wasn’t so much the kid was a bad just had him being a moron. In a small group the cast is only as strong as it weakest link.
They didn’t explain a lot of things or what the monster is. That might annoy some people.  But thought it made it scarier. Some of rules of what electronics work seem arbitrary at times. The mind game the darkness loses was pretty cool.  I like the idea it can make an illusion to create false light like a mirage. So you could really only trust the light in your hand, so you never felt really safe.  It was a low budget film but the way it was shot was pretty cool with light and dark effect it used a lot in the movie

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