Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Apollo 18

Apollo 18

This is a story that tells the real reason why we didn’t go back to the moon. This is the suppose true story with find footage about the last trip to the moon that turns deadly. The crew of Apollo 18 land and found out that they are not alone. I was a little weary of found footage movies of late. One they never really explain why they keep camera equipment around when it make since just to drop them and run. Another is everyone has camera equipment that would make James Cameron weep, and able to do camera work with their camera that would impress any film expert.  But here it gets around that issue. For one it has a reason why their cameras there because they on a scientific mission. Second they can’t escape of the camera...due to the know being sucked into the cold vacuumed of space. Which give it a they bone feel. You really feel the loneliness and desperation. They’re stuck in a small area going crazy and everything around them can kill them. Space is a dangerous...dangerous place even before the creature involve. The actors pretty natural, showing fear pretty well. The creatures are pretty creepy once they appear and there some good surprise scares. There also a mystery of why they were sent there. The special effect looks nice and natural and fit well with the grainy video. It takes advantage of that. There are a few cheap Jump scares. And at times the astronauts do the dumb things people do in these movies.  “Hey weird noises going on in this dark cavern...think I walk in there all by my lonesome.” It is  like science done by lemmings. But for the most part they play it straight. It slow but it builds up to a nice big creepy ending. B+