Monday, October 8, 2012

Agression Scale

Aggression Scale
To understand the main character of this movie, picture the kid from Home alone if he was a complete basically picture the kid from Home Alone. This a dark take. Criminals break into someone house who stole money from them. It up to the two kids to escape as the bad guys tries to take them out. Little do they know the boy is lunatic with a history of violence and love to hurt people? It’s a pretty good twist. The kid is really creepy and when the criminals found out what they dealing with they have a nice “Oh $%it face” and some of the take downs pretty brutal. The problem is the brother and sister doesn’t have a great amount of chemistry together. I know there step ceilings but they don’t play off each other that well. The boy doesn’t it ups to the sister to carry most of the dialogue and exposition...and she not a good enough actor to carry that much weight. She mostly whines and kind of useless. The boy pretty good at his expressions but it a bit one note, Silent Bob this kid is not. But he plays a good lunatic. Although you get to the point where you say...dont these criminals have guns that can aim. Don’t the kids know where cops are or neighbors are or have Cell phones. Why they heck are they Rambo’ing it against these guys. Also the parents hiding the money kind of makes them the worst parents ever. All in all a nice fun flick to play if you have nothing to do C+

Get The Gringo

Get the gringo

Mel Gibson plays a Parker like Criminal who just did a robbery, and now escaping from the cops with a load of money.  In the first minutes, he is on a chase from the cops heading toward the boarder. His partner gets shots and he crashes over the border. His money gets taken and he ends up a prison that likes it own city, and his goal is to survive and get his money. Say what you want about Mel’s insanity...this guy knows how to make a moving and good action pacing. He plays a real scum bag in this that you root for cause he surrounded by much bigger scum bags. So you root for him. He also bounds with this kid in the prison and his mother that makes him more sympathetic. Yes it’s a cheap gimmick to make you feel for the character but the explanation of why the kids there pretty smart and add some tension. Also you know ever hard edge noir anti hero is puddy in a dames hand.  Lot of fun characters. He ends up double crossing and setting up the bad guys and it’s pretty satisfying. Now some may argue the realism of this prison, in fact I am sure the Mexico tourist board will have words with this movie. The cops are crooked to the point it makes Boss Hog look like Serpico. The people guarding the prison and the bad guys seem to have learned security from the cop from the COOKIE CRISP commercials. But it still hella fun if you let that go. Yea I said Hella...I am bad ass like that.  Not only are the character good but the world is a character.  The way its shot you can feel the heat and sweat.  You can feel the dirt and the culture that is around the movie. It a bad place to be by the story never that down beat. It’s like a twisted little theme park culture stereotypes.  The camera works is very good and show is music. It looks like a bigger budget then it really is. It could have been in theaters longer but I think it getting just a limited release…is due to Mel somewhat spectacular melt downs and less to do with the movie. It’s ashamed that he maxed out his celebrity F up card.  I say that not cause I am feeling sorry for him (he could of got back into people good graces if he played it smarter) but due to people might me missing out on a fun little flick. If you like a good modern noir crime movie you will love this